Saturday 9 April 2016

10 Best Foods To Treat Skin Problems

10 Best Foods To Treat Skin Problems

Having skin problems? Is it too dry, too rough or just too oily? Skin problems can lead to many issues; they can even result in loss of confidence and self-esteem. So, what can you do about it? Well, there are certain super foods that actually help your skin glow. Want to know what they are? Read on!

1. Blueberries:

Blueberries are crammed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Not only do they taste great, but they also help rid you of skin problems like scarring and pigmentation. The antioxidant property helps eliminate damage-inducing free radicals and is great for the skin. You can also think of including other sources of antioxidants like dark chocolate or red wine. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is healthier, as they have been found have higher antioxidant levels 

2. Fatty Fish:

Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon and sardine are great for the skin. They are crammed with omega-3 fatty acids that not only provide the right oil balance, but also help remove free radicals from the body. The essential omega-3s don’t end up clogging the pores, and the oil is good even for people with oily skin. If you are on a strict diet, you may be tempted to forgo fat. But omega-3s are healthy fats and are necessary for supple and glowing skin 

3. Whole Grain:

While you regularly consume processed white bread or pasta, the foods that are known to raise insulin levels, you may want to consider opting for whole-wheat or multi-grain bread or flour in your diet. The low level of processing ensures that the amount of dietary fiber you ingest is optimal, which in turn ensures that your digestive problems aren’t reflected on your skin and your skin is healthy 

4. H2O (Water):

You must have a decent amount of water to ensure good looking skin. If you don’t have the required amount of water, your skin might appear dry and dull, and will not take on a supple and glowing feel. As you lose water, you must remember to have enough to ensure that the skin doesn’t dry up. Stay away from energy drinks and sugary beverages that can spike insulin levels 

5. Green Tea:

One of the best remedies for bad skin, green tea contains many age-fighting and free radical eliminating antioxidants that can help remove scarring and pigmentation in the skin. It has also been shown to combat aging effects and is even a good source of water 

6. Yogurt:

Yogurt contains ‘healthy bacteria’, also known as probiotics that help aid the digestive process. These digestive problems can lead to other conditions like skin infection or inflammation. Thus, yogurt is one of the best foods for good looking and healthy skin .

7. Sweet Potatoes:

Vitamin A is one of the essential nutrients for skin health. Sweet potatoes are crammed with Vitamin A, which actively helps reduce wrinkles and aging effects . Many topical creams boast of vitamin A as the active ingredient that helps remove wrinkles. However, using topical creams can lead to dry and flaky skin. Hence, it’s better you include sweet potatoes in your diet.

8. Broccoli:

One of the most popular cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is healthy food for skin problems and it is crammed with Vitamin E, one of the best nutrients for skin and hair health. Vitamin E helps keep the skin hydrated. Broccoli also contains other essential nutrients like vitamins A and C, both of which help eliminate free radicals and fight aging. The darker/greener the broccoli, the more antioxidants it contains, and the healthier it is .

9. Avocadoes:

Rich in healthy fat and other essential nutrients like vitamins A and C, avocadoes are one of the best foods for skin health. It helps the skin derive essential healthy fat and the antioxidants help eliminate pigmentation, scarring and help enhance the complexion. Many face mask recipes use avocado due to its emollient and skin-healthy properties. However, they can have reverse effects on clogged pores and people with acne prone skin 

10. Vitamin D:

This is the only vitamin that the body produces in sunlight. It is also the only vitamin that generally doesn’t form a part of our diet. However, it’s especially important for fighting aging lines and eliminating free radicals. Usually, you can get the required amount of vitamin D in your diet through supplements 
So, what are you waiting for? Start Including these super foods to fight skin disorders and watch your skin glows! Do you follow any particular diet for skin problems? Tell us about it by shooting a comment below!.

How Effective Is Tea Tree Oil For Rosacea ?

How Effective Is Tea Tree Oil For Rosacea ?

Are you suffering from rosacea? Are you tired of trying different medications for treating the condition? Then tea tree oil is something you can look up to.

Rosacea – An Overview

Rosacea is a skin condition that is characterized by facial redness, papules and swelling. This ailment remains one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed conditions at present . Moreover, there does not seem to be much research going on to find out the real cause and a perfect solution for this condition, the reason being that it is not a life-threatening disease
However, many health experts believe that rosacea is an indication of a life-threatening condition that a person might be suffering internally. The condition ultimately is expected to come out in the very near future. Thus, rosacea should be looked upon as a strong warning.

Possible Health Problems A Person Suffering From Rosacea Might Have

Skin is the largest organ in the body, and it always reveals what is going on internally within the system of your body. If your skin looks healthy and supple, it means that the internal functioning is working well. At the same time, if your skin is infected or diseased, then, it is an indication that something indeed is not right internally. According to health experts, rosacea reveals the true state of your body. Here are some of the possibilities:
  • Rosacea indicates poor immunity, and hence, people suffering from this skin condition usually are the first to get affected by the flu or cold virus.
  • Rosacea patients have food sensitivities to a number of food types and suffer from low levels of energy 
  • You can also suffer from other life-threatening conditions such as elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
  • Rosacea sufferers find it difficult to shed extra pounds and are usually obese.
Bluntly put, if you are suffering from rosacea and are presently looking healthy, you stand a good chance of getting one of these health problems in the coming days.

Combination Of Internal And External Treatment

Internal medications and topical creams and lotions are not always effective in controlling the rosacea symptoms. That is why you have to combine the drug treatment with herbal therapy so that you eventually get relief from this irritating health problem. The right combination includes less use of medicines and more use of herbal therapy.

Tea Tree Oil For Rosacea Treatment

Is tea tree oil good for rosacea? Tea tree oil is known for both its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and kills germs that are resistant to regularly prescribed antibiotics like vancomycin and methicillin . The oil is loaded with 100 components, including alcohols such as sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes and others, such as terpinen-4-ol, which cause antimicrobial activities.
Tea tree oil works ruthlessly against mites and is available in pads, shampoos, soaps and ointments  Doctors recommend using tea tree oil wipes on the face after using them on the lids. The results are quite good, and you can see a reduction in the redness on the cheeks.
If you are using tea tree oil directly on the affected area, use a cotton swab to apply a few drops of this oil. The oil also causes allergies, and hence should be used in a diluted form if the application causes irritation.

Tips For Better Results

  • You must use tea tree oil primarily as a topical treatment for rosacea. Oral intake can increase the risk of systemic absorption leading to potential side effects.
  • Keep your skin well hydrated and healthy by drinking lots of water.
  • Certain triggers such as chocolate, alcohol, face scrubs, exercise, cold weather, showers, saunas, hot baths, fragrances, conventional makeup, hot beverages, sun exposure, spicy foods and topical corticosteroids should be avoided.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Scabies ?

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Scabies ?

There are several skin ailments that affect humans, and scabies is among the most annoying ones. It is a contagious skin ailment that spreads fast from skin contact and sharing things with an infected person. But if you are suffering from this condition, don’t worry, as there is an amazing ingredient that can help you treat it.

It is tea tree oil we are talking about. Are you interested in knowing more about tea tree oil and scabies? Keep reading!

Scabies – An Overview

Scabies occurs when a tiny insect species named Sarcoptesscabiei burrows under your skin and then lays eggs . The symptoms include skin itching, redness, scaly skin and lumps in groin and armpits. The itching sensation grows at night, which disrupts sleep.
While a number of OTC creams, ointments and gels are available to treat contagious skin infections, their efficacy can vary. It has been observed that scabies infections can be resistant to most prescription medications. Using natural extracts with proven antiseptic and antibacterial properties can yield better results. In this context, using tea tree oil can be an ideal solution.

Why Use Tea Tree Oil To Treat Scabies Infection?

A number of advanced dermatological studies have revealed tea tree oil’s efficacy in treating numerous skin infections, including scabies. Its inherent anti-microbial agent named Terpinen 4- OL eliminates various bacteria and germs . Tea tree oil is safe for use on skin, except in some rare cases. Using a solution with 5% tea tree oil kills scabies better than OTC medications.
As it is, you can use tea tree oil in a number of ways to eradicate scabies:
  • Using tea tree oil directly can help in eliminating scabies fast. However, essential oils in pure form can prove to be too strong for the skin. To evade the risk of skin burning or irritation, dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil. Mix it with olive oil and use a cotton ball to apply the mixed oil on those areas of the body that are affected by scabiesLet your skin soak the oil. This can be done twice or more per day.
  • Taking bath in tea tree oil mixed water can be helpful when you want to ward off scabies infection. Fill a bathtub with lukewarm water and pour a few drops of tea tree oil in it. Take a relaxing bath in the water for about 20 minutes. However, take care not to splash the water on your face.
  • You can find some shower gels and medicated soaps with tea tree oil as an active ingredient. You may use such products to eliminate scabies. It is also okay to add a few drops of tea tree oil to your existing body wash gel.
  • Massaging your body with tea tree oil can be helpful to get rid of scabies. You can mix pure tea tree oil with olive or sesame oil. The mixing ratio can be 1:5 for tea tree oil and other oil. Massage gently on the skin focusing on the parts affected by scabies. This should ideally be done sometime before taking a bath.


Even when you use tea tree oil to eliminate scabies, other precautions should be taken. Remember that scabies is really contagious, and hence, the ways the infection spreads need to be monitored (3). So, you should wash clothes, towels and bed sheets in hot water and use antibacterial solutions to clean them thoroughly. This will ensure the contamination does not spread to others.
To prevent others in the family from getting infected by scabies, ensure they also resort to using tea tree oil baths during the time. If you find the infection is not getting cured even after using tea tree oil for over a week, get in touch with a dermatologist immediately.
Did you ever use tea tree oil for scabies infection? Tell us how this post has helped you. Do comment in the box given below.

Top 7 Home Remedies To Remove Tan Permanently

Top 7 Home Remedies To Remove Tan Permanently

Come summer, and we all want to bask on the beaches, go fishing, or simply freak out with friends. But unfortunately, most of us forget to protect our skin from the harsh rays of the sun. And the result is visible within a few days – a gorgeous tan! But what can you do if you no longer want to sport the tan?

Let us have a look at Top 30 Home Remedies For Tan Removal:
Many use chemical bleaching to get rid of that stubborn tan. But chemical laden cosmetics can worsen your skin condition in the long run. So, today we have brought for you the top 30 tan removal home remedies that are sure to help you get that nasty tan off.

1. Lemon Juice

We often use lemon juice to remove scars on the face. But, we can also use it to reduce tan without making the skin dry. So, to do this, slice up a lemon and rub it on the tanned areas. Leave it on for a few minutes before you hit the bath. Doing this regularly will help you get rid of tan successfully over a period of 2-4 months. Patience is the key for natural remedies.

2. Pack of Lemon Juice, Cucumber and Rose Water

If you feel the harshness of lemon juice on your skin, then use this homemade pack. To prepare this pack, mix together a tablespoon of lemon juice, cucumber extract and rose water in a bowl. Apply this concoction to the tanned areas generously. The lemon juice will work to remove the tan, while the cucumber juice and rose water will soothe your burnt and blemished skin.

3. Turmeric and Bengal Gram Flour Pack

If you are on the lookout for instant exfoliation and tan removal, then this pack is just the thing for you! Combine two tablespoons of Bengal gram flour with a pinch of turmeric. Add to this a tablespoon of rose water and milk. You can further increase the potency of this pack by adding a tablespoon of crushed and powdered orange peel.
Apply this pack on the cleansed areas and leave it on for a good 20 minutes. Once the pack is dry, moisten your skin with a few drops of water. Then gently remove the pack by scrubbing first in clockwise, and then anticlockwise direction, till your skin gets all the good effects of the pack. You may apply this pack every alternate day for best results.

4. Aloe-Red Lentil- Tomato Pack

Red lentil, commonly known as Masoor dal, is not just a north Indian delicacy, but also a potent tan removal ingredient. When this wonder dal is combined with aloe and tomato extract, a powerful tan removal pack is born!
To make this wonderful skin rejuvenator, soak a whole tablespoon of masoor dal and make a rough paste of it. Add equal quantities of tomato paste and aloe extract. Apply it on your face and let it stay for half an hour before you wash it off with cold water.

5. Honey and Papaya Pack

A few spoonfuls of papaya are all you need to ensure that your skin is bright and radiant. The enzymes in papaya have been put to use since time immemorial in skin whitening, renewal and exfoliating products. Honey makes the skin softer and supple. Together, they make an effective anti tan removal home remedy that is also cheap!
Mash half a cup of ripe papaya with a tablespoon of honey. Blend well and apply on your face. Leave the pack on for half an hour and wash off with cold or lukewarm water for best results.

6. Buttermilk and Oat Meal Pack

Yet another of my favorite recommendations, this is a pack that will not disappoint! Simply mix together 3 tbsp of buttermilk with 2 tbsp of oatmeal. Massage into affected areas in circular motions. The buttermilk will soothe the skin and heal the blisters while the oats will act as a natural exfoliator, revealing younger looking skin!

7. Yogurt- Tomato Pack

The citric properties of tomato act as natural tan remover. If you wish to reduce pigmentation and dark spots, then this pack is worth a try. The tomato extract works on spots and pigmentation. Working as a toner, it also opens up the pores on the skin and reduces oiliness naturally. Yoghurt too acts as a natural bleaching agent and helps combat sun tan naturally!
Mix together one tablespoon of each and apply the paste on your face. Let it dry for 30 minutes and cleanse with water. You may experience a slight tingling sensation, but be assured that the pack is beginning to work!

25 Basic Beauty Tips For Face You Should Definitely Follow

25 Basic Beauty Tips For Face You Should Definitely Follow

If you want brighter skin, it is very important to take care of the various aspects of skin care. As there are several things to cover, we have divided the article into various sub sections for your convenience. Feel free to skip to the section that is relevant to you.
a. Beauty Tips based on your Skin Tone
b. Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine
c. Beauty tips for Face Whitening
d. Beauty tips for Common Face Problems
e. Seasonal Beauty tips for Face Whitening
f. Homemade Face Masks

a. Beauty Tips Based on Your Skin Tone:

Different skin types have different needs and endure different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action.
If you want brighter skin, it is very important to take care of the various aspects of skin care. As there are several things to cover, we have divided the article into various sub sections for your convenience. Feel free to skip to the section that is relevant to you.
a. Beauty Tips based on your Skin Tone
b. Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine
c. Beauty tips for Face Whitening
d. Beauty tips for Common Face Problems
e. Seasonal Beauty tips for Face Whitening
f. Homemade Face Masks

a. Beauty Tips Based on Your Skin Tone:

Different skin types have different needs and endure different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action.
This is the most troublesome skin type to have. The troubles are countless, but when maintained right, this skin type can have a certain glow and charm that is breath taking.
Common troubles:
The common problems include coarse skin with enlarged visible pores and a dull appearance due to the over production of oil in the skin. This in turn gives a shiny and greasy sheen. Frequent acneand blemishes, blackheads, white heads and dark spots are also some of the common problems of oily skin.
Simple tips:
  • Maintain a healthy diet including lots of raw veggies and fruits; avoid oily and junk food.
  • Always keep your face clean. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.

2. Beauty tips for dry skin:

If you think oily skin is a pain, then let us tell you that having dry skin isn’t a walk in the park either. Dry skin gets very uncomfortable, especially in the winters and in extreme cold temperatures. This results in intense pain and unsightly appearance when not taken care of properly.
Common troubles:
Dry skin usually seems to have fine texture with dullness, but on a closer look there may be some flaky or granulated sections particularly around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead. If neglected it will form wrinkles and become more brittle with age.
Simple tips:
  • Don’t use hot water while taking a shower.
  • Never leave the shower without applying moisturizer.
  • Pat dry your skin after a shower and always use a soft towel.

3. Beauty tips for combination skin:

With this, we get both the good and bad qualities of oily and dry skin type! Combination skin usually has a mix of both oily characteristics having large pores, a constant shine, and breakouts especially in the T-zone -the forehead, nose, chin area and dry skin characteristics i.e., itching, flakiness, redness on the cheeks.
Common troubles:
You shall face the troubles of both the skin types depending on the climatic conditions and also which skin type is more dominant.
Simple tips:
  • If have an oily skin type, then your hormones play a great influence over whether or not you end up with combination skin. Here are few very basic things you can do it help your skin look and feel better.
  • Keep your face clean at all times to prevent oily zones from catching an infection of any kind.
  • Hunt for the perfect moisturizer for you. These can never be the same for people with this skin type as there will always be variations in the degrees of oiliness and dryness. And once you find it, don’t change!
  • Use the appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skins reaction to the climatic conditions. Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone and less of it will cause problems with the dry zone.

b. Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine:

No matter what your skin type is, making sure that your skin is clean is extremely important for it to remain healthy and clear. This is where your skin care routine comes to play. Cleaning the skin of the dirt and grime of the daily life, removing the dead skin cells and making sure that you don’t leave the pores open to more dirt accumulation is essential. This procedure we all know includes cleansing, scrubbing/ exfoliating, toning and moisturizing.
Here are some of the beauty tips and natural beauty products that can be used alone or in combination for their different skin care properties.

4. Beauty tips for cleansing:

Our skin gets exposed to varied amount of dust, smoke and heavy pollution resulting in dryness, dullness and more which is basically, lifeless skin. Cleansing ensure that the radiance of the skin is maintained. Only if cleansing is done properly, your skin accepts different products with ease, like moisturizers and facial masks.

5. Beauty tips for exfoliating:

Just cleansing and moisturizing regularly will not work any magic on the skin unless you clear and remove the dead skin cells from time to time. Exfoliating should be practiced regularly to remove the older dead skin completely, giving you skin which is very smooth and fresh. Scrubbing once a week is a must. If your skin type demands more, like oily skin does, then do it as many times as necessary.

6. Beauty tips for Toning:

This is very frequently asked question – “Is toning really important when I actually cleanse and moisturize my skin regularly? “Yes! Toning is an important element of the cleansing process. A good toner will remove all the remaining bits of oil, dirt and debris left behind by the cleanser. More importantly, toner will help soothe, nourish and hydrate the skin while restoring its delicate pH balance.

7. Beauty tips for Moisturizing:

Whatever your skin type maybe, it shouldn’t stop you from moisturizing your skin regularly. Moisturizing plays a vital role in skin care – keeping it hydrated and preventing it from redness or flaking. It also helps you prevent the early signs of aging. If you have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin gets enough nourishment from the oil produced. This is a very common misconception. Pick a good gel based moisturizer and use it regularly.

Glutathione For Skin Whitening : Does It Really Work ?

Glutathione For Skin Whitening : Does It Really Work?

Do you want fair and bright skin? Have you tried numerous fairness creams but got no result? If you have nodded along to these questions, then you finally have a solution. It is glutathione we are talking about.

Wondering what it is and how it can help you get fair skin? Read this post to know more!

What Is Glutathione?

Even though glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants of all time, it is still unknown to a large number of people. It is best known for helping in whitening your skin and reducing the levels of melanin too. Doctors and dermatologists from all over the globe have often used glutathione during skin treatments and therapies. Most of the time it is used while manufacturing creams or skin whitening tablets for consumption. You can get hold of them from the nearest dispensary or simply place your order online.

Glutathione contains amino acids in abundance. The best part about this antioxidant is that it is very safe and doesn’t have any free radicals or toxins that could ruin your skin. In fact, it helps incleansing your skin and removing all impurities and allows you to achieve a brighter complexion. With this, you can expect your hyperpigmentation levels to reduce. It helps in the activation of enzymes that play an important role in the removal of toxins.
Although there is a large number of products that help whiten your skin permanently, it is best to go natural! As already discussed, glutathione contains amino acids that reduce side effects and keep your skin healthy and safe in the long run.

How Does Glutathione Help In Whitening Your Skin?

Here is a couple of points in brief that will help you understand how glutathione for skin whitening actually works. Additional points have been mentioned to help you understand better.
  1. Glutathione is basically an antioxidant and is made of 3 amino acids namely cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.
  1. It protects your body from diseases and prevents toxins too. It also fights free radicals that cause skin pigmentation, blemishes, and dark spots.
  1. People usually take glutathione in the form of pills to lighten their skin. They are found in pharmacy and beauty shops. 4 to 6 months of regular use will show good results.
  1. Glutathione is not just available in the form of pills, but also as injections and beauty soaps. In fact, they have become quite popular in the market. It is loaded with vitamins, soya oil, proteins, and minerals that help in nourishing your skin.
  1. Taking glutathione isn’t enough to achieve a fairer and whiter complexion; you must eat healthy too. Some fruits and veggies that you must include in your diet include asparagus, oranges, tomatoes, and avocados. These edibles will help in the maintenance of glutathione in your body.

How To Use Glutathione For Skin Whitening?

You can take glutathione skin whitening supplements given by your doctor or dermatologist.
Moisturize your skin with the help of I-glutathione pills that will prevent the flaking of skin.

Interesting Fact

Glutathione is usually taken in the form of a pill that has become highly successful in Asian countries, especially in countries where people would like to have fairer skin. Even though it is pretty expensive, glutathione injections are quite effective and will hit the bloodstream directly. Therefore, it is best to choose injections instead of pills.

The Dilemma That Comes With Glutathione

The only dilemma that comes with glutathione and treatments associated with it is its cost. It is highly expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Lotions and creams are still cheaper.

How To Use Rose Water To Treat Dry Skin ?

How To Use Rose Water To Treat Dry Skin ?

Is your skin too dry and is that making your life tough? Are you wondering what you can do to treat your skin and make it smooth? Then rose water is the key.

Whether you have always had dry skin or it is caused by the harsh winter climate or skin care products, you can now rest assured as there is a wonderful solution at hand. By using rose water in your daily skin care regimen, you can have skin that is well hydrated and soft and smooth.

How To Use Rose Water For Dry Skin

Is rose water good for dry skin? Rose water is a great way to treat dry skin as it provides plenty of moisture and hydration to your skin. If your skin is very dry, using rose water on its own may not have the desirable effect. To make sure that it works well, use it with other products for maximum effect.
Following are the two methods of using rose water to help treat your dry skin.

Method 1

Using rose water with your daily moisturizing cream or lotion is a great way to provide hydration to your skin. It is really quite simple – all you need to do is add a few drops of it to your cream or lotion. Rub your hands together and apply on your skin as usual. Each time you use this mixture, you will notice a huge difference in how your skin looks and feels.
When mixed with moisturizers, rose water makes your skin softer and very supple. The skin flaking, redness, and itchiness will be reduced with every use. In no time, you will see that your skin feels amazing and is no longer tight with dryness. Since dry skin is more prone to the signs of aging, rose water will also keep fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots away.
You can make your own natural moisturizer at home by mixing a teaspoon of avocado or coconut oil, 2 teaspoons of rose water and 2 teaspoons of honey. These three ingredients have excellent effects on the skin and will moisturize and hydrate your dry skin, making it feel amazing!

Method 2

Using rose water as a daily facial toner is another effective way to treat dry skin. It will help keep dryness away and make sure your skin glows with health. Most facial toners on the market contain large amounts of alcohol and chemicals that eventually cause moisture to be stripped away from your skin, making it extremely dry. Using the all-natural rose water is undoubtedly a much better option for you.
To use rose water as a facial toner, all you need to do is soak a cotton ball into it and apply it on your skin after you have cleansed your face. It will act as an extra cleanser by removing any excess makeup, dirt and dead skin that is left on your facial skin. Using chilled rose water is a great way to freshen up your skin and give it a moisture boost as well, and you can do this any time of the day!
When you use rose water as a facial toner, it will help in toning your skin naturally. It will also help in giving you an even skin tone and closes your pores as well. It is the perfect prelude to your daily makeup routine as it prepares your facial skin for it.
Treat your skin to rose water to hydrate and moisturize it. It is the best natural treatment for dry skin and prevents all the skin problems that come with it, including signs of aging, redness, flaking, etc. By making it a part of your daily beauty regimen, you will get skin that glows with health, making it look and feel awesome always.

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Using Coconut Oil?

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Using Coconut Oil ?

And the best thing about coconut oil is it isn’t expensive. Would you like to learn more about coconut oil and how it can treat wrinkles? Then continue with your read!

Coconut Oil For Face Wrinkles

Face wrinkles can occur anywhere on your face. It could be wrinkles around the mouth, forehead and furrows and under the eye. There are various ways of reducing wrinkles – however, coconut oil is the safest way to get it done. Simply massage your face with coconut oil twice a day. Emphasize on the wrinkle areas. It will boost the production of collagen and encourages the regeneration of collagen on your face. Collagen is often called a fibrous protein that connects the tissues. It effectively dries up wrinkles located near the mouth region.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Wrinkles?

Coconut oil is commonly used these days to treat wrinkles, and the procedure is quite simple. You don’t have to put a whole lot of effort to get it done correctly. But make sure to purchase a product that is organic and hasn’t crossed the expiry date. Here is a small idea of how to use coconut for wrinkles:
  1. First of all, wash your face with cold water, especially in those areas that are full of wrinkles. This will not only get rid of the dirt but also control the absorption of moisture that is provided by the oil.
  2. Also, make sure you aren’t wearing any makeup. Remove it before you apply coconut oil.
  3. Third, clean your hands before you use coconut oil. Massage very gently over the wrinkles. Allow your skin to absorb the oils.
  4. Do this every night before you go to sleep!

What Are The Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Anti-Aging Skin Treatment?

You might have heard about the uses of coconut oil for cooking and cleaning, but how many of you actually knew about its beauty benefits? Surprisingly, coconut oil is great for both your hair and skin. It removes wrinkles and helps you achieve clearer skin

  • One of the biggest benefits that come with coconut oil is that it fights all free radicals and prevents wrinkles and marks.
  • It also soothes the skin and controls symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
  • Coconut oil is also used for removing makeup.
  • It comes with a moisturizing effect that keeps your skin clean and hydrated.


Coconut oil can be taken both externally and internally. But if you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, it is advisable to stay away from it. Also, if you consume too much of coconut oil, it could lead to adverse effects! So be very careful when it comes to the usage, consumption, and application of the oil.

Other Benefits Of Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil can be used as an effective facial moisturizer that sinks into the skin effectively, hydrates it, and removes all impurities . It is also effective for certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and spots.
  • Another benefit of coconut oil is that it can be used as a mouthwash. Coconut oil effectively removes bacteria, fights bad breath, and improves dental health too 
  • Coconut oil helps in controlling diabetes, arthritis, cancer, etc. It also helps you lose weight.
Start using coconut oil for wrinkles today and look young for long! Tell us how you liked this post. You can comment in the box below!.

5 Simple Updo’s for Medium Hair

5 Simple Updo’s for Medium Hair

Having long hair, which can be styled in many ways, is every girl’s dream. But having long hair is sometimes not possible, due to various reasons like heredity, health, climate, hormonal status, and  also deu to the changing and different modern working lifestyles. One may not always have the luxury of time to maintain long hair, and hence some settle for medium length hair.
In this post, I will share with you all some easy updo hairstyles for medium hair length. Read below to find out simple updos that don’t take much time to do.

1. Messy Bun Updo:

Now this is one updo hairstyle that is ‘IN’ these days. Sport it with any type of outfit, and you’ll never go wrong with this style. Apply some volumising mousse in your hair, make a pony tail, and wrap the remaining hair around the base of the ponytail. Remember not to give it that sleek look. Secure with bobby pins at the base. Now, take a tail comb, and gently lift some sections on hair around the crown area.  This will add some more drama to the look. Don’t forget to leave a few loose curls around the face to add more feminity to the look. Finish off with a medium hold hair spray to keep the style in place for longer durations.

2. High Bun:

High buns will always remain in vogue, no matter what. And they look very professional too. This updo hairstyle for medium length hair is counted in one of the easy updo hairstyles. Just grab yourhair in a puff pony, twist the hair to form a bun and secure with an elastic rubber band. And you’re good to go. No need for hair spray, or even hair accessories. You can even wear this hair style to work, since it will keep the hair away from your face and not distract you.

3. French Knot or Bun:

If you have hair which is not cut into steps, you can easily go in for this classy, no-mess look. Part hair from one side, and sweep them to the back of the head. Then twist them to form a neat outer edge, and a rolled-inwards look from the other side. Very neat, professional and easy-to-do. A word of caution though. This hairstyle can add or subtract a few years to your face, depending on what outfit you pair it with. Very young girls should ideally avoid sporting this style.

4. Loose Waves With Bangs:

This is not a proper updo, if you say so. But for medium hair, this is one of the best hair styles to sport at all times. Apply some mousse to slightly damp hair and let the hair air dry. Sweep the bangs to one side, and you’re good to go. To add more style, grab a section of hair around the crown and back-comb it to create a pouf, or an updo, so to say. Change from day to evening look by just taking all the hair to one side, and creating a messy bun. Add some stylish accessories to glam up the look further!

5. Side Braid/ Side Fish-tail Braid:

Again, very popular these days with a lot of celebrities. This hairstyle, I’d say, looks the best with medium hair. Add some volume to the hair around the crown by back-combing, and then make a messy braid or a fish-tail braid, whatever you’re comfortable with, and spray some hair spray. Simple, stylish, and very sexy!

5 Tips On How To Get Beautiful Natural Eyebrows!!!

5 Tips On How To Get Beautiful Natural Eyebrows!!!

Thick naturally shaped brows are back for sometimes now , from the runways to the silver screen . Time for those perfectly shaped and pencil thin brows are gone . Now the more natural the look the better compliments you’d gather. Starting from the time of  Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and Jennifer Conelly and no again in today’s fashion world natural brows are making their mark once again.

Even famous makeup artists believe that the more natural a woman’s brows , the more beautiful and young she looks .
Here are providing your with some tips on how to get beautiful eyebrows naturally which can make a drastic difference to your looks if you are one who still wears the pencil sharpened plastic doll brows.
How to get Natural eyebrows

1. Pluck/threading:

Even if you thread, don’t thread too picture perfectly or thinly. If you are not one who likes using tweezers for plucking your brow hairs then let me tell you, it’s the most painless and easy and natural way of pulling out your eyebrows in the direction of hair growth and with constant practice you can definitely achieve a mastery of the skin and won’t have to run to the parlours everytime you wanna shape your eyebrows up . Still if you’d like to disagree with me then you can go in for thread but don’t thread too much pencil sharpened and try to retain the normal brow thickness according to your brow bone’s shape and height.

2. Careful Trimming:

The next point would be trimming with small scissors which am sure you’ve seen it getting done in the parlor after threading, or ones who pluck at their home’s comfort they also use small hair cutting scissors to trim off the brows . But remember don’t over trim your brow hairs and don’t over pluck . Keep them as full and natural as possible . If you do see any stray hairs coming out from here and there then just use a pair of tweezers and pluck them ( here you can’t say no to plucking , and it’s very difficult to get them out with threading ‘cause maximum of the times you may end up with a sharp scratch with the thread on your skin, you won’t end up with any accidental scratches by sudden pulling by a thread if you use tweezers

3. Over plucking or Over accidental threading:

If Your brows are over plucked or accidentally over threaded sometimes you may never have (in rare cases though due to threading mostly) hairs grown back in those parts or may end up with a slow growth rate, so you should immediately go in for some hair growth serums available in the market and start using them or start massaging the eye brows gently with almond or olive oil or even castor oil regularly.

4. Shape of the brow:

Besides the brows thickness , even their shape matters a lot. If you have already stayed on day after day with over plucked and plastic doll threaded eyebrows then it’s time that for atleast once let them grow back to their natural shape and then follow the shape of your eyes and brow bones to get a knowledge of how thick or where to make the brow high or where to make it steep and where to end it’s beginning and where to end it . You may also seek professional and quality help for this. Tweaking the brow hinders the naturlness of the eyebrow shape.

5. Thin eye brows:

If however your eyebrows are thin and you just can’t increase it’s thickness naturally cause you’re born with thin brows then go for eye brow pencils and fill in the gaps between the brow hairs with the pencil in a dotted motion and blend well if needed.